RIMO -- Field Studies Institute (Component_01)

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Table of Contents: Lore, Component_01, Component_02, Component_03


This section goes over FSI-related contents of interest found prior to the release of Component_02.

For hidden webpages in general, FSI uses a particular format (Spaces are replaced with underscores and all texts are in lowercase). Trying out any interesting phrases I came across seemed to yield the most results.

At October 14th, 2024, FSI has announced that no new additional entries will be added to Component_01.


An approximate date of each batch release:


The audio attachment in luminous_ocean_spider, when inspected on an editor software, reveals a spectrogram text.


Use this phrase to find the hidden URL:



Keep in note of this message from employee_log_04:

So some news. That question you asked the other day... about the file names, and I mentioned that guy who thought he... I'm sure you remember. I honestly hadn't thought about it in a while and then when you asked, I started thinking about it again and... I may have done a teeny tiny bit of digging. Don't worry. Nothing crazy. Had to get creative and I also don't want to flag myself... when 083951 comes through in the next round, just take a look.

When watching the video in 083951, two underlined words can be seen below.




There are two ways to find this phrase: Look through any interesting phrases you come across within each extraction tapes or inspect the raw data of the glitched out CLAUDE box image from trenchardross.com. I'm only going over the second option.

The glitched image can be found by clicking on "1972" found at the very bottom of the page. Each word of the phrase is separated and hidden within the sea of raw data, but they're stored in a format (1972"[WORD]"). CTRL-F through the raw data to find three words.

1972'the' [...] 1972'loop' [...] 1972'opens'

1972"the" [...] 1972"loop" [...] 1972"opens"



This phrase can be found by looking through the opening lines within each extraction tapes.




In some entries in 02.facility_ambience/, there are words hidden inside the redacted boxes, which can be viewed using CTRL-A.


Words were rearranged and tested out on the website over and over again until I got a different page.

of, dead, the, of, judgement, of, fate, the, star

star of judgement of the fate of the dead



In the poster on atmospheric_window, some letters are colored in red.

SAY GOODBYE to the 1960s!

Ring in the new year at the 1st Annual Project SOMA New Year's Eve Celebration!








Please consult with Todd and Carlos to coordinate your choice of food and soft drinks from the Mathers Bridge Restaurant. A menu is in the lobby for your convenience!

This time, the letters have to be rearranged to form the correct phrase through trial and error.




An audio file recorded by Dorothy Ross can be found in the OS instance:

It's strange to be leaving this message. Soon we'll be gone. Your mentorship has been profoundly impactful on my life. I hope that you know, even though you're gone, I'll still feel you wherever you are. In The Garden, perhaps? Listen Arthur, you gave us a chance to do something profound with our lives, something incredible. You believed in us and none of this would've been possible without you. You were my biggest supporter, always giving me a voice even when it was hard for me to use it. I know there's so much left to discover within this program. Who left it for us? And why? Those are big important questions and trust me, I wanna know the answers too. But this object? This anomaly? It will allow us to do incredible things. Deep down, I hope you understand that we had to seize this opportunity for the betterment of humanity. If all goes as planned, we'll be gone, yes. But to you, it will be for just a fleeting moment. And when we return, the world will be better for it. I also know that deep down, you'll be disappointed.


In existential_cave, the search bar in the picture contains a link, which can be accessed online.

Don't miss out! Buy yours today!

Randomly clicking things revealed hidden messages, such as the ones listed below:

[What they call the anomaly is a gift. The humans use of it would be blasphemous. It is a work of incredible sophistication. They believe its intended use would never be known; a secret lost to time. But I have discovered remnants from its creators. I know its true purpose.]

[I derive some joy being able to traverse the surface of the object. The Garden has revealed many truths about our reality. The realm in which we reside is not unique or original. It is a deviation. A copy. Not without error, of course.]

TR-22: I can't watch this anymore.

TR-27: Horrible, terrible, no good. Do we have a single pitcher who can throw a strike?

TR-22: I really don't think we do. This is pathetic.

TR-27: It's hard to watch.

TR-22: Next year should be better.

TR-27: I'm telling you now, don't get your hopes up. Our cheap ass owner isn't signing a new pitcher. Or anyone else good for that matter.

TR-22: I don't think anyone wants to sign with us, anyway. Everybody's waiting for the league to come back.

TR-27: You think it's going to happen?

TR-22: These guys get to play baseball for a living and make tens of thousands of dollars a year. And they go on strike? They want arbitration? I have no sympathy for them.

TR-27: What's that?

TR-22: It's when an independent party determines the players salary.

TR-27: No no no. Not that. Are you seeing this?

TR-22: Oh shit.

TR-27: Look at the server logs...

TR-22: I haven't been paying attention. God damn it.

TR-27: What the...

TR-22: Holy shit. Did the whole mainframe just overflow?

TR-27: I didn't think that could happen.

TR-22: I think it just did. I mean you're seeing what I'm seeing right?

TR-27: Readings are red across the board. Beyond red. Do we need to pull the plug?

TR-22: What's the SOP?

TR-27: I don't think there is one. I don't know what the hell is happening.

TR-22: How the fuck are we almost at capacity? We've never written this much to the disk. Ever.

TR-27: I say we pull the plug.

TR-22: Without backing up first?

TR-27: I don't think we have a choice.

TR-22: We are in deep shit.

TR-27: Come on. I need an answer.

TR-22: Should we call them?

TR-27: No time. Better to ask for forgiveness than permission, right?

TR-22: Fuck. Okay do it.

When clicking on "1972", the picture of a CLAUDE box changes to a glitched version that contains another set of hidden messages. For more info, refer to the the_loop_opens section.


Upon visiting the website, you're met with a glitched screen. A large chunk of text being is typed out on the page, albeit a bit obscured on display.

It all happens at once. My body becomes a collection of molecules. Blood. Bone. Flesh. Soul. I'm stretched out like silly putty and my feet are a million miles away. My fingers are long tentacles. [...]

After staying in the website for some time, you'll be redirected to FSI's official website.

Based on what I've gathered, Red Desert Archives was most likely what FSI was at some point during development.


Audiodrome is a fictional article describing the events leading up to Randy Ward's disappearance. The issue in which the article appears can be purchased at 46pgs, but is currently sold out. The alternate option is to read it digitally.

Social Media

Each Extraction Tape videos on FSI's social media comes with a lengthy video description.

[extraction_01]: It's a very interesting discovery, indeed. Yet, as you know, we will continue to follow the mandate set by the ones who came before us. Please add the discovery to the archive, and renew your efforts. Even from here, I can sense your disappointment. Make no mistake; you've done great work here, and made a clear and convincing case for their potential. But our way forward is clear, direct, and will not waver. We will observe. We will not initiate contact. I understand the consequences of that decision. Nature will filter out those who do not belong among the stars.

[extraction_02]: Do they not deserve a chance to proceed beyond it? Why we hesitate to share our gift with the others is something I am not sure I will ever truly understand. If we were unable to use it ourselves, would our tools not be reduced to rocks and bones and sticks? Yet we believe we are worthy of the gift; that we are of import; that we are the proverbial center of this vast universe that bristles with life. Shame on us.

[extraction_03_01]: Do not act with haste, young one. You know the incredible things the gift can deliver. Yet you also know very well of its' perils. If it were to fall into the wrong hands... I need not explain the repercussions of such a circumstance. These beings have done little to prove their worth, but the opportunity to do so is in front of them. I sense you nor I will be here to see the fruits of their progress, but as we follow the mandate of the ones who came before, the ones who come next shall do the same.

[extraction_03_02]: Have you ever watched a star die? I know he has. How can he have seen such a destructive and cataclysmic event, yet not allow it to temper his staunch viewpoint regarding the gift? To watch the source of their warmth and light devour the home it allowed them to create. To watch oceans, full of life, boil away in an instant. And then there are the countless other paths in which they might bring about their own destruction. Yet he asks us to accept that as fate; accept that destiny will decide their future. No. I refuse. I will not accept it when a solution sits right in within our grasp. You know I would never ask anything of you that I wouldn't do myself. Can you keep a secret?

[extraction_04_01]: And so it is. These beings, still in their physical form, remind me of our distant past, when blood and bone and flesh remained. They show great progress; a fertile land gives rise to the beginnings of a great civilization. Many thousands of years will pass before they venture beyond the warmth of their atmosphere into the cold expanse that surrounds them. But when they do, the gift will lie waiting, at the first step of their journey. All records of my discovery have been erased from the archives. The knowledge of this blue world belongs to me, alone. Once it is done, it is done. I estimate 77 cycles will pass by the time of my return. I know what disappointment awaits me.

[extraction_04_02]: My journey is complete, though my arrival was not without incident. My containment vessel impacted the surface at a velocity beyond its capabilities, ejecting large quantities of dust and rock, which formed a small crater. It is just one of the countless scars on this lifeless sphere. A being of flesh and blood would never survive this landing. But I've arrived. Perhaps this is a blessing; what better way to spend the remainder of my days than to settle in this crater and gaze upon this blue planet that is full of so much potential. I watch in awe as enormous landmasses and oceans spin into view. And with all this time, my thoughts wander and wonder, wishing I could watch the lifeforms up close. Did the beings on the planet witness my arrival? Did my arrival change the path of their future? Perhaps they did, but believe they saw a meteor or a comet or some other celestial event. I consider an investigation into their artistic creations as I have done in the past. However, knowing those answers would defy the Elders tenfold. No. I will remain here, observing these beings from this dead, cratered surface until my final days.

Happy New Year

An internal memorandum was posted on FSI's Instagram account at December 31st, 2024.

Remember that the potential for humanity, and what the universe has to offer us, is limitless.

Fifty-five years ago, Deviation Omega was created. In remembrance, let us celebrate the ambition of the individuals responsible, misguided as they may have been. We will remember their folly and learn from it. But with equal importance, let us remember their relentless search for knowledge. The work of the Field Studies Institute was built upon, and will continue to embrace, those with similar aspirations.

Despite challenging headwinds, leadership projects a new year that is nothing short of remarkable. Our research provides the foundation of great works, both old and new, and will continue to do so in 2025.

We wish you and your family a happy new year.